Zalige Johannes XXIII in "Humanae salutis" (1961) over het bijeenroepen van Vaticanum II:
"De Kerk nu heeft zich niet werkeloos afzijdig gehouden van de lotgevallen der volkeren, van de vooruitgang van techniek en wetenschap en van de gewijzigde toestand in het maatschappelijk leven: dit alles heeft zij immer met voortdurende waakzaamheid gevolgd; met al haar krachten heeft zij zich verzet tegen de leerstellingen van hen, die alles wilden terugbrengen tot de materie of die trachtten de fundamenten van het katholieke geloof te ondermijnen; toen heeft zij uit haar schoot een overvloed aan krachten doen opstaan, die haar ertoe brachten om haar apostolaat, haar godsdienstzin en haar werkdadigheid te doen binnendringen in al de gebieden van de menselijke activiteit; op de eerste plaats de krachten van de geestelijkheid, die door haar kennis en deugd meer en meer getoond heeft berekend te zijn voor de vervulling van haar taak; vervolgens de activiteit van de leken, die steeds beter de rol begrepen hebben, die hun in de Kerk is toevertrouwd en in het bijzonder hun plicht beseften, waardoor ieder afzonderlijk wordt gehouden om met de kerkelijke hiërarchie mede te werken. Daar komt nog bij dat het ontzaglijk lijden, waardoor tegenwoordig zoveel christengemeenschappen zo meedogenloos worden gedrukt, tot gevolg heeft, dat een zeer bewonderenswaardig aantal Bisschoppen, priesters en leken wegens de onwrikbare standvastigheid van hun katholiek geloof allerlei soort vervolgingen te verduren heeft en een voorbeeld geeft van zo'n christelijke moed, dat zij met recht te vergelijken zijn met hen, die met gouden letters in de annalen van de Kerk staan opgetekend. Terwijl Wij zien dat het aanschijn van de maatschappij grondig veranderd is, vertoont ook de katholieke Kerk zich daarom voor onze ogen in een zeer gewijzigde en volmaaktere vorm: zij is namelijk onwankelbaar door een krachtiger organisatie, versterkt door een meer uitgebreide wetenschap, prachtiger stralend door de glans van haar heiligheid; en wel zó, dat zij in onze tijd geheel en al gereed schijnt te zijn om de heilige strijd van het geloof te strijden."
??? Ik dacht dat:
- voor V2 niemand iets van de liturgie verstond en maar rozenhoedjes bad
- de Kerk in dermate slechte staat was dat enkel V2 de oplossing kon bieden
- de clerus eigenlijk niet wist waarmee ze bezig was in de liturgie behalve het opzeggen van rituelen
- het intellectuele leven door de veroordeling van modernisme door Pius X en Pius XII eigenlijk compleet verdord was
enz. enz.
Kortom de tweedeling pre-conciliair en post-conciliair is een MYTHE!
maandag, december 04, 2006
Oecumene volgens paus Leo XIII
"But how can hearts be united in perfect Charity where minds do not agree in Faith?"
Uit de encycliek Præclara Gratulationis Publicæ (1894)
"The Principal subject of contention is the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff. But let them look back to the early years of their existence, let them consider the sentiments entertained by their forefathers, and examine what the oldest Traditions testify, and it will, indeed, become evident to them that Christ's Divine Utterance, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, has undoubtedly been realized in the Roman Pontiffs. Many of these latter in the first gates of the Church were chosen from the East, and foremost among them Anacletus, Evaristus, Anicetus, Eleutherius, Zosimus, and Agatho; and of these a great number, after Governing the Church in Wisdom and Sanctity, Consecrated their Ministry with the shedding of their blood. The time, the reasons, the promoters of the unfortunate division, are well known. Before the day when man separated what God had joined together, the name of the Apostolic See was held in Reverence by all the nations of the Christian world: and the East, like the West, agreed without hesitation in its obedience to the Pontiff of Rome, as the Legitimate Successor of St. Peter, and, therefore, the Vicar of Christ here on earth. "
"Nor is there any reason for you to fear on that account that We or any of Our Successors will ever diminish your rights, the privileges of your Patriarchs, or the established Ritual of any one of your Churches. It has been and always will be the intent and Tradition of the Apostolic See, to make a large allowance, in all that is right and good, for the primitive Traditions and special customs of every nation. On the contrary, if you re-establish Union with Us, you will see how, by God's bounty, the glory and dignity of your Churches will be remarkably increased."
"It is on this account that many of those We allude to men of sound judgment and seeking after Truth, have looked to the Catholic Church for the sure way of salvation; for they clearly understand that they could never be united to Jesus Christ, as their Head if they were not members of His Body, which is the Church; nor really acquire the True Christian Faith if they rejected the Legitimate teaching confided to Peter and his Successors"
Uit de encycliek Præclara Gratulationis Publicæ (1894)
"The Principal subject of contention is the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff. But let them look back to the early years of their existence, let them consider the sentiments entertained by their forefathers, and examine what the oldest Traditions testify, and it will, indeed, become evident to them that Christ's Divine Utterance, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, has undoubtedly been realized in the Roman Pontiffs. Many of these latter in the first gates of the Church were chosen from the East, and foremost among them Anacletus, Evaristus, Anicetus, Eleutherius, Zosimus, and Agatho; and of these a great number, after Governing the Church in Wisdom and Sanctity, Consecrated their Ministry with the shedding of their blood. The time, the reasons, the promoters of the unfortunate division, are well known. Before the day when man separated what God had joined together, the name of the Apostolic See was held in Reverence by all the nations of the Christian world: and the East, like the West, agreed without hesitation in its obedience to the Pontiff of Rome, as the Legitimate Successor of St. Peter, and, therefore, the Vicar of Christ here on earth. "
"Nor is there any reason for you to fear on that account that We or any of Our Successors will ever diminish your rights, the privileges of your Patriarchs, or the established Ritual of any one of your Churches. It has been and always will be the intent and Tradition of the Apostolic See, to make a large allowance, in all that is right and good, for the primitive Traditions and special customs of every nation. On the contrary, if you re-establish Union with Us, you will see how, by God's bounty, the glory and dignity of your Churches will be remarkably increased."
"It is on this account that many of those We allude to men of sound judgment and seeking after Truth, have looked to the Catholic Church for the sure way of salvation; for they clearly understand that they could never be united to Jesus Christ, as their Head if they were not members of His Body, which is the Church; nor really acquire the True Christian Faith if they rejected the Legitimate teaching confided to Peter and his Successors"
Wat betekent "actieve participatie"?

Paus Pius XII' Mediator Dei, nr. 107:
"Niet weinige gelovigen immers kunnen het Romeins missaal, ook al is het in de volkstaal bewerkt, niet gebruiken; evenmin zijn allen in staat de liturgische riten en formulieren naar behoren te begrijpen. De aanleg, het karakter en de geestelijke gesteltenis van de mensen zijn zo variërend en ongelijk, dat niet allen een zelfde indruk krijgen en zich gelijkelijk kunnen laten leiden door gebeden of gezangen en heilige handelingen, die gezamenlijk worden verricht. Bovendien, de behoeften en de neigingen van de zielen zijn niet bij allen dezelfde en blijven ook bij de afzonderlijke personen niet altijd dezelfde. Wie echter zou daarom zo bevooroordeeld zijn om te beweren, dat zoveel christenen niet kunnen deelnemen aan het eucharistisch offer en de vruchten er van niet kunnen genieten? Zulke mensen kunnen dat zeker op een andere manier, die voor sommigen gemakkelijker uitvalt, bijvoorbeeld door de mysteries van Jezus Christus godvruchtig te overwegen of door het verrichten van andere godvruchtige oefeningen en van andere gebeden die, hoewel in vorm van de heilige riten verschillend, er toch door haar natuur bij passen."
Nog altijd actueel!
Goede samenvatting van het Turkije-bezoek
Fr. Neuhaus, editor van "First Things" geeft hier een goede samenvatting van het bezoek aan Turkije. Informatief is de lijst van discriminaties jegens christenen vanwege de Turkse overheden:
"In a fine essay in Newsweek, George Weigel notes some of the restrictions placed on Christians in Turkey. The Orthodox Church cannot govern itself. Turkish law decides that the ecumenical patriarch must be a Turkish citizen living in Turkey. A recent memorandum from the patriarchate said, “The result of these restrictions is that in the not so distant future the Ecumenical Patriarchate may not be able to elect a Patriarch.” The Turkish government closed the patriarchate’s only seminary in 1971 and has refused numerous requests to reopen it.
The government refuses to grant the patriarchate legal “personality,” in defiance of the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, which defined the legal position of minorities in Turkey. Refusing to recognize the patriarchate as a legal entity means that it exists at the sufferance of the government and is subject to the waxing and waning of political whims and passions. In Turkey, popular passions about “Christian” and “Greek” influence are frequently paranoid in character and intensity.
The government refuses to give work permits to non-Turkish citizens who want to work at the patriarchate. So the handful of non-Turks at the Phanar, as the site of the patriarchate is called, have to leave the country every three months to renew their tourist visas. Moreover, the patriarchate is not allowed to own property. It owns none of the churches, schools, or monasteries under its jurisdiction, and the state has recently seized the thirty-six cemeteries where are buried the generations of the Orthodoxy that once was. The state decides who can teach in schools that serve the Orthodox, as well as which books may be allowed in school libraries.
Writing on the eve of the pope’s visit, Weigel said: “No Christian community in the West would tolerate such conditions, which involve violations of basic human rights. If Turkey is to be the model of a modern Islamic society, it must remove restrictions on the exercise of some of the most fundamental aspects of religious freedom: the freedom of religious communities to educate their people, perform works of charity and choose their leaders according to their own theological self-understanding. Might Benedict XVI’s pilgrimage to Turkey focus the world’s attention on the stranglehold the Turkish state attempts to exercise on Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and his people, such that that stranglehold begins to ease? If the 79-year-old pontiff managed that, Christian unity and the dialogue between the West and Islam would both be advanced.”
"In a fine essay in Newsweek, George Weigel notes some of the restrictions placed on Christians in Turkey. The Orthodox Church cannot govern itself. Turkish law decides that the ecumenical patriarch must be a Turkish citizen living in Turkey. A recent memorandum from the patriarchate said, “The result of these restrictions is that in the not so distant future the Ecumenical Patriarchate may not be able to elect a Patriarch.” The Turkish government closed the patriarchate’s only seminary in 1971 and has refused numerous requests to reopen it.
The government refuses to grant the patriarchate legal “personality,” in defiance of the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, which defined the legal position of minorities in Turkey. Refusing to recognize the patriarchate as a legal entity means that it exists at the sufferance of the government and is subject to the waxing and waning of political whims and passions. In Turkey, popular passions about “Christian” and “Greek” influence are frequently paranoid in character and intensity.
The government refuses to give work permits to non-Turkish citizens who want to work at the patriarchate. So the handful of non-Turks at the Phanar, as the site of the patriarchate is called, have to leave the country every three months to renew their tourist visas. Moreover, the patriarchate is not allowed to own property. It owns none of the churches, schools, or monasteries under its jurisdiction, and the state has recently seized the thirty-six cemeteries where are buried the generations of the Orthodoxy that once was. The state decides who can teach in schools that serve the Orthodox, as well as which books may be allowed in school libraries.
Writing on the eve of the pope’s visit, Weigel said: “No Christian community in the West would tolerate such conditions, which involve violations of basic human rights. If Turkey is to be the model of a modern Islamic society, it must remove restrictions on the exercise of some of the most fundamental aspects of religious freedom: the freedom of religious communities to educate their people, perform works of charity and choose their leaders according to their own theological self-understanding. Might Benedict XVI’s pilgrimage to Turkey focus the world’s attention on the stranglehold the Turkish state attempts to exercise on Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and his people, such that that stranglehold begins to ease? If the 79-year-old pontiff managed that, Christian unity and the dialogue between the West and Islam would both be advanced.”
Pope Benedict, Msgr. Klaus Gamber, the Universal Indult and the Reform of the reform
KATHOLIKOS DIAKONOS schrijft: "After a lunchtime discussion yesterday with several people who know far more than I do about the sacred liturgy, I re-read the late Msgr. Klaus Gamber's book The Reform of the Roman Liturgy: Its Problems and Background. This book is really two books co-published together in English by Una Voce and The Foundation for Catholic Reform in 1993 and distributed by Roman Catholic Books, which has some relationship with Ignatius Press.In reading a translated excerpt then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote for the French edition of the book, it is impossible not to see the significance of Gamber's writings for his own thinking about and writing on the liturgy. Another connection is that while Herr Doktor Joseph Ratzinger was teaching theology at the University of Regensburg and his brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, was liturgy and music director at Regensburg's Cathedral of St. Peter (pictured to the left), Msgr. Klaus Gamber, who passed away in 1989, headed the Liturgical Institute in Regensburg. "What happened after the Council," writes the then Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith in his introduction, was that "in the place of the liturgy . . . came fabricated liturgy". According to the pre-Benedictine Cardinal Ratzinger, the "organic, living process of growth and development over centuries" was abandoned and replaced by "a manufacturing process", that produced "a banal on-the-spot product". In this same introduction, he writes, "Gamber, with the vigilance of a true prophet and the courage of a true witness, opposed this falsification" and "taught us about the living fullness of a true liturgy".It is my belief after re-reading Gamber's book last night, that it gives us a road map for what Joseph Ratzinger, as Pope Benedict XVI, hopes to accomplish in his reform of the reform of the Sacred Liturgy during his pontificate. Hier meer
Bye, Bye Heidegger!
Heidegger und die Kartäuser
"Einige Jahre davor begleitete ... mich [Rüdiger Safranski] auf einer Reise, die ich für Radio France Culture entlang dem Pilgerweg nach Santiago de Compostela unternahm, wobei wir auch das Kartäuserkloster Aula Dei in der Nähe von Zaragoza besuchten. Einer der Mönche zeigte uns die Bibliothek, die etwas vernachlässigt aussah, als stammte die letzte philosophische Schrift, die hier Eingang gefunden hatte, aus den zwanziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Um dem Mönch klarzumachen, wem oder was unser Interesse galt, erzählte ich ihm, der Mann neben mir habe gerade eine Heidegger-Biographie geschrieben. Ob ich erwartet hatte, das würde den in eine weiße Kutte gehüllten Bibliothekar beeindrucken, weiß ich nicht, doch die Antwort kam aus dem Mittelalter wie ein Pfeil auf uns zugeschossen: Heidegger ist die Angst, wir sind die Hoffnung."(WELT-Literaturpreis an Rüdiger Safranski: Laudatio von Cees Nooteboom)
"Einige Jahre davor begleitete ... mich [Rüdiger Safranski] auf einer Reise, die ich für Radio France Culture entlang dem Pilgerweg nach Santiago de Compostela unternahm, wobei wir auch das Kartäuserkloster Aula Dei in der Nähe von Zaragoza besuchten. Einer der Mönche zeigte uns die Bibliothek, die etwas vernachlässigt aussah, als stammte die letzte philosophische Schrift, die hier Eingang gefunden hatte, aus den zwanziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Um dem Mönch klarzumachen, wem oder was unser Interesse galt, erzählte ich ihm, der Mann neben mir habe gerade eine Heidegger-Biographie geschrieben. Ob ich erwartet hatte, das würde den in eine weiße Kutte gehüllten Bibliothekar beeindrucken, weiß ich nicht, doch die Antwort kam aus dem Mittelalter wie ein Pfeil auf uns zugeschossen: Heidegger ist die Angst, wir sind die Hoffnung."(WELT-Literaturpreis an Rüdiger Safranski: Laudatio von Cees Nooteboom)
Hans Peter Raddatz over de zin van dialoog
Orientalist Hans Peter Raddatz : "Wenn Politiker in Europa ihre Bürger aufforderten, mehr Respekt vor den Gefühlen der Muslime zu zeigen, setzten sie das eigene Weltbild einem muslimischen Deutungsdiktat aus, sagte Raddatz. Nach seiner Einschätzung habe sich der westliche Dialog bereits sehr einer islamischen Denkweise angenähert. Das zeigten unter anderem die Reaktionen auf den Vortrag von Papst Benedikt XVI. in Regensburg. Kritische Positionen, wie sie in westlichen Demokratien üblich seien, würden nicht zugelassen. Nach Meinung von Raddatz führt eine Anlehnung an islamische Denkweisen dazu, dass sich westliche Identität, Demokratie und Rechtsstaat zu einem Weltbild formen, das sich allmählich islamisch korrigiert. Letztlich stünden die moderne Autonomie des Denkens, aber auch die Religionsfreiheit auf dem Spiel."
zondag, december 03, 2006
De Belgische bischoppen en de Indultmis

Het bericht dat Zijne Excellentie Mgr. Léonard volgend jaar de grote eer ontvangt de priesterwijding te mogen toedienen in Wigratzbad, deed me nadenken over de rol van de Belgische bischoppen omtrent de zgn. "Indultmis" (in de toekomst hopelijk de "Buitengewone Ritus van de Latijnse Kerk" genoemd). Deze entry in Wikipedia somt de plaatsen goed op. Opvallend is dat in de Vlaamse bisdommen Gent, Brugge en Antwerpen geen Indultmissen plaatsvinden. Hier is een foto van Mgr. Léonard na afloop van het toedienen van het H. Vormsel in de klassieke ritus.
Daarbij dient ook nog gezegd te worden dat waar ze wel plaatsvinden dit meestal gebeurt in afgelegen kapellen terwijl er kerken genoeg zijn. Maar dit hoort nu eenmaal bij de paria-behandeling van de klassieke liturgie en haar voorstanders!
zaterdag, december 02, 2006
vrijdag, december 01, 2006
De oecumenische patriarch en de liturgie
Hier is de preek van Oecumenisch Patriarch met commentaar van father Z.
Ik ben akkoord met andere observatoren dat in vergelijking met de Goddelijke Liturgie voor het Feest van Sint-Andreas de Latijnse Liturgie tijdens de pontificale H. Missen maar magertjes uitvielen. Om te realiseren wat de Oecumenische Patriarch schrijft hebben we de Tridentijnse Ritus nodig! Het is inderdaad bekend dat de Novus Ordo een obstakel is voor de volledige eenheid bekeken vanuit het standpunt van de Orthodoxe ZusterKerk. Deze link brengt je naar de website van het patriarchaat.
Enkele fragmenten van de preek:
"Every celebration of the Divine Liturgy is a powerful and inspiring con-celebration of heaven and of history. Every Divine Liturgy is both an anamnesis of the past and an anticipation of the Kingdom. We are convinced that during this Divine Liturgy, we have once again been transferred spiritually in three directions: toward the kingdom of heaven where the angels celebrate; toward the celebration of the liturgy through the centuries; and toward the heavenly kingdom to come."
"This overwhelming continuity with heaven as well as with history means that the Orthodox liturgy is the mystical experience and profound conviction that "Christ is and ever shall be in our midst!" For in Christ, there is a deep connection between past, present, and future. In this way, the liturgy is more than merely the recollection of Christ's words and acts. It is the realization of the very presence of Christ Himself, who has promised to be wherever two or three are gathered in His name."
"At the same time, we recognize that the rule of prayer is the rule of faith (lex orandi lex credendi), that the doctrines of the Person of Christ and of the Holy Trinity have left an indelible mark on the liturgy, which comprises one of the undefined doctrines, "revealed to us in mystery," of which St. Basil the Great so eloquently spoke. This is why, in liturgy, we are reminded of the need to reach unity in faith as well as in prayer. Therefore, we kneel in humility and repentance before the living God and our Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious Name we bear and yet at the same time whose seamless garment we have divided. We confess in sorrow that we are not yet able to celebrate the holy sacraments in unity. And we pray that the day may come when this sacramental unity will be realized in its fullness."
"Thus our worship coincides with the same joyous worship in heaven and throughout history. Indeed, as St. John Chrysostom himself affirms: "Those in heaven and those on earth form a single festival, a shared thanksgiving, one choir" (PG 56.97). Heaven and earth offer one prayer, one feast, one doxology. The Divine Liturgy is at once the heavenly kingdom and our home, "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21.1), the ground and center where all things find their true meaning. The Liturgy teaches us to broaden our horizon and vision, to speak the language of love and communion, but also to learn that we must be with one another in spite of our differences and even divisions. In its spacious embrace, it includes the whole world, the communion of saints, and all of God's creation. The entire universe becomes "a cosmic liturgy", to recall the teaching of St. Maximus the Confessor. This kind of Liturgy can never grow old or outdated."
Ik ben akkoord met andere observatoren dat in vergelijking met de Goddelijke Liturgie voor het Feest van Sint-Andreas de Latijnse Liturgie tijdens de pontificale H. Missen maar magertjes uitvielen. Om te realiseren wat de Oecumenische Patriarch schrijft hebben we de Tridentijnse Ritus nodig! Het is inderdaad bekend dat de Novus Ordo een obstakel is voor de volledige eenheid bekeken vanuit het standpunt van de Orthodoxe ZusterKerk. Deze link brengt je naar de website van het patriarchaat.
Enkele fragmenten van de preek:
"Every celebration of the Divine Liturgy is a powerful and inspiring con-celebration of heaven and of history. Every Divine Liturgy is both an anamnesis of the past and an anticipation of the Kingdom. We are convinced that during this Divine Liturgy, we have once again been transferred spiritually in three directions: toward the kingdom of heaven where the angels celebrate; toward the celebration of the liturgy through the centuries; and toward the heavenly kingdom to come."
"This overwhelming continuity with heaven as well as with history means that the Orthodox liturgy is the mystical experience and profound conviction that "Christ is and ever shall be in our midst!" For in Christ, there is a deep connection between past, present, and future. In this way, the liturgy is more than merely the recollection of Christ's words and acts. It is the realization of the very presence of Christ Himself, who has promised to be wherever two or three are gathered in His name."
"At the same time, we recognize that the rule of prayer is the rule of faith (lex orandi lex credendi), that the doctrines of the Person of Christ and of the Holy Trinity have left an indelible mark on the liturgy, which comprises one of the undefined doctrines, "revealed to us in mystery," of which St. Basil the Great so eloquently spoke. This is why, in liturgy, we are reminded of the need to reach unity in faith as well as in prayer. Therefore, we kneel in humility and repentance before the living God and our Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious Name we bear and yet at the same time whose seamless garment we have divided. We confess in sorrow that we are not yet able to celebrate the holy sacraments in unity. And we pray that the day may come when this sacramental unity will be realized in its fullness."
"Thus our worship coincides with the same joyous worship in heaven and throughout history. Indeed, as St. John Chrysostom himself affirms: "Those in heaven and those on earth form a single festival, a shared thanksgiving, one choir" (PG 56.97). Heaven and earth offer one prayer, one feast, one doxology. The Divine Liturgy is at once the heavenly kingdom and our home, "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21.1), the ground and center where all things find their true meaning. The Liturgy teaches us to broaden our horizon and vision, to speak the language of love and communion, but also to learn that we must be with one another in spite of our differences and even divisions. In its spacious embrace, it includes the whole world, the communion of saints, and all of God's creation. The entire universe becomes "a cosmic liturgy", to recall the teaching of St. Maximus the Confessor. This kind of Liturgy can never grow old or outdated."
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