zondag, september 16, 2007
Aartsbisschop Raymond Burke spreekt!
Thomas Peters (American Papist) heeft een uitstekende post over het ontvangen van de H. Communie door hen die openlijk de leer van de Katholieke Kerk afvallen (zoals pro-choise politici). Het betreft een artikel in "Periodica" van de Gregoriaanse Universiteit door aartsbisschop Raymond Burke, zelf een canonist. De titel van het artikel is: "CANON 915: THE DISCIPLINE REGARDING THE DENIAL OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THOSE OBSTINATELY PERSEVERING IN MANIFEST GRAVE SIN."
Waar een wil is, is een weg!!
Eén van de logische gevolgen van Summorum Pontificum is de celebratie en instructie van seminaristen in de buitengewone vorm van de éne Romeinse Ritus. En het IS mogelijk zoals blijkt uit deze foto's en het bericht in verband met de éérste H. Mis, gecelebreerd in de buitengewone vorm, in het Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (Aartsbisdom van St. Louis- Mgr. Raymond Burke)

zondag, september 09, 2007
Een voorbeeld voor onze bisschoppen

Mgr. Michael Burbidge, bisschop van Raleigh (North Carolina, VS), geeft de gepaste reactie op Summorum Pontificum (geboortejaar is 1957, priesterwijding 1984, dus het is GEEN NOSTALGIE):
In een bericht dat hier in pdf te lezen valt zegt hij o.a.:
"In his Christmas address to the members of the Roman Curia on December 22, 2005, His Holiness Benedict XVI, shared his vision of shepherding the Church on a path of greater unity, continuity, reform, and renewal.[Het motu proprio is inderdaad geen nostalgie maar onderdeel van een doordacht plan] As an essential part of this vision, on July 7, 2007, the Holy Father released his Apostolic Letter, Summorum Pontificum, clarifying the status and usage of the Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII, published in 1962, prior to the liturgical reforms of 1970. The document also governs the use of other ritual books in use prior to these reforms. Accompanying the Apostolic Letter, the Holy Father also wrote an explanatory letter to all the Bishops of the world providing the context in which the faithful should understand the objectives of the document. The Holy Father explains that the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council found in the 1970 Missal, with its two subsequent revisions, remain as the Forma ordinaria or normal form of celebration of the Mass. The use of the 1962 Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII is to be used as the Forma extraordinaria or extraordinary form of celebration of the Mass. Most notably, the Holy Father states that these two forms are not to be seen as two separate Rites of the Mass, but rather two forms of celebration within the one Roman Rite. The Holy Father clarifies this two-fold reality when he stated, “There is no contradiction between the two editions of the Roman Missal. In the history of the liturgy, there is growth and progress, but no rupture. What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us, too....” Therefore, to implement Summorum Pontificum in every way possible in the Diocese of Raleigh, it is my intention to maintain the Forma ordinaria as normative for celebrations of the Mass, but also to make the Forma extraordinaria form of the Mass more available to the faithful. To this end, resources will be provided to those priests who are able and choose to study how to properly celebrate the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass so that both he and the people of God will best be served. [Inderdaad, niet passief afwachten maar stimuleren wat nu een onderdeel is van de éné Romeinse Ritus]There are many resources available to priests to aid them in this pursuit and so I direct those priests seeking formation to consult with the Vicar General, the Very Reverend David D. Brockman, for which formation program will be the most effective. Our Diocese is blessed that we already have priests exercising an effective apostolate offering the Mass and other sacraments using the Forma extraordinaria. I am grateful to these priests [Inderdaad, een publieke dankbetuiging is nodig] for their generosity to assist any priest seeking liturgical formation in the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass. In particular, I wish to recognize the Reverend Paul M. Parkerson, Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Dunn, for his leadership in this regard. I also express my gratitude to those in liturgical leadership at Sacred Heart, Dunn for offering liturgical formation in the ministry of altar server for the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass. While Summorum Pontificum does not impose a minimum number of the faithful who may rightfully request the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass from their pastor, the priests of the Diocese of Raleigh, and I, as Bishop, will do everything possible to respond appropriately and generously to the requests for this form with the resources we have. Our Diocesan website will soon convey more information on parish celebrations of the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass in our Diocese. [Concrete initiatieven, niet teveel gepraat!] In recognition of the effective date of Summorum Pontificum on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross on September 14, 2007, I invite the faithful of our Diocese to join me at Sacred Heart, Dunn, for a special solemn celebration of the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass. I will be the homilist for the Mass and Fr. Parkerson will offer the Mass as the celebrant. [Een UITSTEKENDE oplossing indien de bisschop niet zelf de de buitengewone vorm, om de één of andere reden, kan celebreren]The richness of the Sacred Liturgy is the heart of our Catholic faith. Both the Forma ordinaria and the Forma extraordinaria of the Mass have been the source of holiness for countless saints throughout history. May the richness of our Catholic liturgical prayer, now made more available to the entire Church, continue to lead us all to that same goal. In the words of our Holy Father, "Let us generously open our hearts and make room for everything that the faith, itself, allows."
Een voorbeeld voor onze seminaries
Gelezen op The New Liturgical Movement
"In response to Summorum Pontificum, Holy Apostles [Seminary] will begin publicly offering the Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite on Saturday, September 8th at 11:00 a.m. in the seminary chapel. The public is welcome to attend.
Rev. John Mary Gilbert, I.S.J, a professor at Holy Apostles Seminary, and Rev. Gregoire Fluet, Pastor of St Bridget Parish, Moodus, CT, and the Vice-President of Holy Apostles Seminary, will offer the Traditional Latin Mass on each Saturday at 11:00 a.m. The brothers from the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius (Chicago) who are seminarians at Holy Apostles Seminary will form the chant schola for the weekly High Mass at the seminary chapel."
"In response to Summorum Pontificum, Holy Apostles [Seminary] will begin publicly offering the Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite on Saturday, September 8th at 11:00 a.m. in the seminary chapel. The public is welcome to attend.
Rev. John Mary Gilbert, I.S.J, a professor at Holy Apostles Seminary, and Rev. Gregoire Fluet, Pastor of St Bridget Parish, Moodus, CT, and the Vice-President of Holy Apostles Seminary, will offer the Traditional Latin Mass on each Saturday at 11:00 a.m. The brothers from the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius (Chicago) who are seminarians at Holy Apostles Seminary will form the chant schola for the weekly High Mass at the seminary chapel."
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