maandag, mei 08, 2006

George Kardinaal Pell over de Islam

Ik had het al eerder over één van mijn favorieten, Kardinaal George Pell van Sydney.
Hij heeft een moedige tekst geschreven, getiteld "Islam en Western Democraties". U kan de tekst hier lezen. De vraag is: "Can Islam and the Western democracies live together peacefully?"
Enkele passages:
Over Sura 9,5 "Wanneer de heilige maanden voorbij zijn, doodt dan de afgodendienaren waar u hen ook vindt en grijpt hen en belegert hen en loert op hen uit elke hinderlaag." en Sura 9, 36 "En bestrijdt de afgodendienaren allen tezamen, zoals zij u bestrijden en weet, dat Allah met de rechtvaardigen is." zegt hij o.a.: "The predominant grammatical form in which jihad is used in the Koran carries the sense of fighting or waging war. A different form of the verb in Arabic means “striving” or “struggling”, and English translations sometimes use this form as a way of euphemistically rendering the Koran’s incitements to war against unbelievers. But in any case, the so-called “verses of the sword” (sura 95 and 936), coming as they do in what scholars generally believe to be one of the last suras revealed to Muhammad, are taken to abrogate a large number of earlier verses on the subject (over 140, according to one radical website). The suggestion that jihad is primarily a matter of spiritual striving is also contemptuously rejected by some Islamic writers on the subject. One writer warns that “the temptation to reinterpret both text and history to suit ‘politically correct’ requirements is the first trap to be avoided”, before going on to complain that “there are some Muslims today, for instance, who will convert jihad into a holy bath rather than a holy war, as if it is nothing more than an injunction to cleanse yourself from within"."

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