donderdag, juni 16, 2011

New publications by Leo Elders s.v.d.

The Dutch Thomist Leo Elders s.v.d., or "Father Elders" continues his travels around the globe, teaching the doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas at universities, institutes, seminaries and monasteries. 
At the same time he continues his academic writing.
He has published a new book on Thomas Aquinas's ethics: La vie morale selon saint Thomas d'Aquin. Une éthique des vertus (Parole et Silence/Presses Universitaires de l’IPC, Paris, 2011, 336 p. ISBN 978-2-84573-974-1).

As part of a series of articles on Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church, in which he had already studied this topic in general and the influence of Jerome and John Chrysostom, Nova & Vetera (Fribourg) 2011/2 has published La présence de saint Grégoire le Grand dans les œuvres de saint Thomas d’Aquin.

He also has published the introduction to the French translation by the monks of Fontgombault of Aquinas's commentary on Isaiah and provided the introduction to the monumental translation of Aquinas's entire Disputed Questions De Veritate in French, which will appear shortly.

While other publications on topics such as tolerance in Aquinas, Cajetan, the concept of conversion are being prepared, one looks forward with great expectation to his opus magnum: a historical and systematical study of all of Aquinas's commentaries on Aristotle. The chapters on the Posterior Analytics and the Peri Hermeneias are ready, substantial work on the Ethica, De Anima, Metaphysica and De Caelo has already been done.

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,

Defensio Fidei