vrijdag, juli 20, 2007

Dank u, Excellentie!

Bisschop Robert W. Finn van Kansas City geeft hier zijn commentaar op Summorum Pontificum. Vooral het laatste deel is veelzeggend:
"Extraordinary Form of the Mass at the Cathedral: At 10 a.m., on Saturday, Sept. 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, I will preside over the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass at the main altar of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. In this way I wish to join with all of you in giving filial assent to the prerogative of Pope Benedict XVI in emphasizing the continuity of the Latin Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.[De bisschop als "moderator van de liturgie" geeft het goede voorbeeld] There we will lift our prayers with the Supreme Pontiff, through our Blessed Mother to the Eternal Father of Mercies for a meaningful reconciliation of Catholics. [Dit is de positieve reden die onze Heilige Vader aanhaalt: waarom horen we er zo weinig over in Vlaanderen of Nederland]In this way we hope, with Gods' help, as "the Church of Christ [to] offer worthy worship to the Divine Majesty for the praise and glory of His name and for the good of all His Holy Church."

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