maandag, september 10, 2012

Another update on the activities of Father Leo Elders

In September of last year, we informed you on the activities of Father Leo Elders s.v.d. Since then, a lot has happened.
In the Fall of 2011, he started rewriting and revising his 1992 introduction to Thomas Aquinas. The book has been entirely updated and expanded and will be published shortly in the revived series 'Studia Rodensia' of the Major Seminary Rolduc under the title: Thomas van Aquino. Een inleiding tot zijn leven en denken.
This Fall will also see the publication of his monograph on education and instruction in the thought of Thomas Aquinas under the title: "Éducation et instruction selon saint Thomas d'Aquin", Parole et Silence, 2012.
Other publications include:
*‘Situatie van het geloof en de Katholieke Kerk in Nederland na het Vaticaans Concilie’, in: L. Hendriks e.a. (red.), Herder naar Zijn Hart. Bijdragen over de vorming en het leven van de priester. Feestbundel aangeboden aan pater dr. Joachim Becker SS.CC. en pater dr. Nobert Hoffmann SS.CC., 2VM uitgeverij, Bergambacht 2011, 347-388 (Studia Rodensia 5).
*‘Préface’, in: Saint Thomas d’Aquin, Questions Disputées De Veritate, Latin-Français, trad. A. Aniorté OSB, Éditions Sainte-Madeleine, Le Barroux 2011, 1-15.
*‘Grégoire le Grand’, in: Encyclopédie des Mystiques Rhénans d’Eckhart à Nicolas de Cues et leur Réception, Sous la direction de Marie-Anne Vannier, Walter Andreas Euler, Klaus Reinhard, Harald Schwaetzer — Édition française par Marie-Anne Vannier, Cerf, Paris 2011, col. 533-536.
*‘Der Toleranzgedanke bei Thomas von Aquin’, in : Toleranz und Menschenwürde / Tolerance and Human Dignity, hrsg. Anton Rauscher, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2011, 59-73.
*‘Jacques Maritain sobre la educación, la religión y el estado’, in: Religión, sociedad moderna y razón prática, XXXII Simposio de Teología (2011). R. Muñoz, J. Sánchez-Cañizares y G. Guitián (eds.), Pamplona, Eunsa, 2012, 267-274.

Apart from his usual teaching assignments at the Seminary Rolduc, the seminary Tiltenberg, the IPC in Paris and the Gustav Siewerth Akademie in Germany, he taught courses and gave lectures at the the Abbey of Saint Joseph de Clairval and the Abbey of Fontgombault (France). He attended the annual session of the PAST in Rome and will present a paper on Aristotle in the ST in Torun, Poland in October. He has also contributed to the forthcoming volume "Aquinas the Aristotelian", edited by M. Levering and R. Hütter, on Aquinas's treatise on temperance in the ST.

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