Voor wie in de zomer het majestueuze Wyoming wil combineren met de studie van Sint-Thomas, is het zonet opgerichte The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine dé plaats!
Deze zomer staan Sint-Thomas' commentaren op de Paulusbrieven centraal.
Dit komt uit hun 'mission statement':
The time is ripe for an institute that dedicates itself, lovingly, joyfully, and unstintintly, to the pursuit of revealed theology in the school of the Angelic Doctor. With trust in God and invoking the prayers of our patron, we seek to do exactly this at The Aquinas Institute. Taking seriously the papal injunctions Ite ad Thomam!, we offer courses that focus on the mysteries of faith as expounded to the Church by St. Thomas in his magnificent writings.
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Waar kan men meer info vinden? :)
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