donderdag, november 25, 2010

De priesterlijke toog

Waarom een toog dragen? Hierom:

"When the priest puts on the cassock, he is reminded in a visible way that he has been configured to Christ, Head and Shepherd of the flock in every time and place, and that it is Christ Who is acting in Him, most especially in the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in the forgiveness of sins in the Sacrament of Penance, for the salvation of all men and of the whole world. The cassock also helps him to avoid the temptation to see himself, instead of Christ, as the protagonist in the works of pastoral charity, and, thereby, it is a practical help in the daily conversion of life, in the day by day emptying of himself, so that his priestly being may be filled with the grace of Christ the High Priest."

Fragment van een preek van Zijne Eminentie Kardinaal Raymond L. Burke, 'our long-time favourite' (met dank aan Father Zuhlsdorf)

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