zondag, september 28, 2008

Summorum Pontificum en de seminaries

De nieuwe post-Summorum Pontificum uitgave van Adrian Fortescue's The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite described heeft een voorwoord van kardinaal Castrillon Hoyos met de volgende tekst:

"The Holy Father is pleased at the generous response of many priests to his initiative in learning once again the rites and ceremonies of the Sacrifice of the Mass and of the other sacraments according to the usus antiquior so that they may serve those people who desire them. I encourage priests to do so in a spirit of pastoral generosity and love for the liturgical heritage of the Roman Rite. Seminarians, as part of their formation in the liturgy of the Church, should also become familiar with this usage of the Roman Rite not only in order to serve the People of God who request this form of Catholic worship but also in order to have a deeper appreciation of the background of the liturgical books presently in force. Hence it follows that all seminaries should provide such training as a matter of course."

Zie hier voor het persbericht.

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